RoboUP Bug-Hunting Bounty Program: 7-Day Response, 90-Day Repair
By RoboUP - 2023/11/09
RoboUP's Bug-Hunting Bounty Program is committed to promptly addressing security concerns and vulnerabilities. Upon receiving your report, our security engineers will respond within 7 days. We aim to resolve the issue within 90 days, ensuring the continued safety and integrity of our products and services. As a budding player in the robot mower industry, we strive to enhance and contribute to its advancement. We value the vigilance of the security community in identifying vulnerabilities, and we offer rewards and recognition for novel disclosures. Your efforts not only bolster our product security but also contribute to the growth of this emerging industry, underscoring our commitment to safety and progress.
I. Classification and reward of system vulnerablity
Level 3 vulnerability: Obtaining the viewing permission of some files or partitions, $100 USD
Level 2 vulnerability: Access to the control permission of some files or partitions (can rewrite the content of files), $200 USD
Level 1 vulnerability: Obtaining the root permission of all file systems, $500 USD
II. Reporting Guidelines
If you believe you have discovered a security or privacy vulnerability that affects RoboUP devices, software, services, please email your report to RoboUP security engineers will personally review your report. If a report you submit is valid and eligible, you will receive a reward through the Bug-Hunting Bounty Program.
III. Reporting Channel
IV. Eligibility
To be eligible for the RoboUP Bug-Hunting Bounty Program, the issue you report must occur on the latest publicly available version of the designated software or platform, including beta versions. The issue must also occur on publicly available hardware or authorized devices.
Additionally, you must be the first party to report the issue directly to RoboUP email address. Your report must be clear and detailed and include a reliable way to reproduce the issue, such as a working exploit.Please do not disclose the issue publicly before RoboUP releases an update with a security advisory for the report.
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